The website combines all of your resources and creates a schedule in an order you choose. I utilized the online program Cram Fighter to make a daily schedule for me. Schedulingīe as organized as possible to make the most of your studying. USMLERx was a great first question bank to use because it focused primarily on fact recall and soaking up as much information from First Aid as possible – which I liked during my first pass. I wanted to save that until I had already done some preparation so I could make the most of the higher order questions UWorld offers. UWorld is a go-to question bank for your board preparation. Most of the information in these various resources is already in First Aid, so you do not want to be wasting time writing out extra information. I used a four-colored pen: blue for pathoma annotations, green for sketchy micro, red for Q bank answers, and black for DIT information. I annotated First Aid only so that I would be able to see all my annotations every time I read that one text. I bought the most updated version in December of the year before I took Step 1, had it spiral-bound at Office Max, and used that as my primary resource when studying. Obviously, the backbone of all Step 1 studying is First Aid for the USMLE. When it comes to study aids, keep your list as small as possible while covering all of your bases. These resources helped as I studied for Step 1 – but this is by no means a comprehensive list. Second, every school has its own unique way of approaching boards in terms of the amount of time you’ll have off and popular resources at that institution, so each approach will be different. Seek advice from multiple upperclassmen and integrate that advice into a plan that works best for you. First, every student has his/her own way of learning that works best for them. But as you prep, remember some key points. I have drafted a list of some general advice for students preparing to study for Step 1. Although it may not seem like it now, you are about to learn a lot – about both medicine and yourself – and you will be able to look back on this time period in amazement at what you were able to accomplish. Congratulations! Welcome to one of the most exciting times of your medical school career: preparing for your first big exams.